
Fabric Covered Bulletin Board

I love to pin things on a bulletin board. Probably why I seriously love the virtual bulletin boards of Pinterest. Check out my Pinterest Boards here. I wanted to add some bulletin boards to my Art/Craft Studio to pin up inspirational pieces or quotes. I didn't want a very big board - just something to tuck underneath my shelves.

Cork Board(s)
I used two Quartet Bulletin Boards 5.5 x 14 - found them on Amazon
Staple Gun
Velcro Command Hooks

Cut out your fabric a few inches larger than the board.

Line up the print (if needed). Staple the sides first and finish off the ends like you're folding the corners when you wrap a present. Trim any excess fabric.

Place your Velcro Command Hook on the back of the board. Because I was putting it directly on the fabric, I used my staple gun to secure it a bit more.  
What's nice with these is you can just pull the Velcro pieces apart and
adjust them to make sure everything hangs straight.