
DIY Tissue Box Covers - make functional cute, not boring!

Customize your home decor with a little DIY and make your own Tissue Box Covers.  There are all sorts of options to choose from - wood, paper, material... I'll show you how I made one with scrapbook paper and I've included several other creative ideas to help inspire you.

 I chose some metallic scrapbook paper to make a cover to match my powder room colors and used an old clear tissue box cover as the base. You can find inexpensive ones at thrift or dollar stores.

 Measured and cut out the sides and the top.

Four individual sides. One top (with the opening traced) and a bunch of decorative circles.

 Used Mod Podge to glue down the sides first. While that was drying, got started on the top.

For the top I carefully cut out the middle of the opening leaving enough to cut and fold back individual tabs to cover the entire inner edge and Mod Podged them down. You can use clothespins to hold the tabs down while it dries. Note: If you want to just trace and cut out the circle opening, make sure to use a little extra Mod Podge so it doesn't lift up when you pull out a tissue.

Mod Podged the circles onto the sides.
You can also decorate with labels, flowers, accents, embellishments, etc.


Book Pages and a Chalkboard Sign via Make the Best of Things

Wooden Mod Box Cover via Crafty Nest

 Sew a Decorative Cover via Make it and Love it

 Lego Box Cover for the little ones via Dream a Little Bigger

Tutorial for Cardstock or thin Cardboard for ultimate customization via Split Coast Stampers

Happy Creating this week!
Love, Steph