
DIY Farmhouse Pantry Sign



  • Frames - 1 Large and 1 Small 
  • Paint: Spray, Chalk or Acrylic
  • Two Sheets of Buffalo Check or Gingham Paper
  • Chipboard Letters or Cut out your own
  • Chicken Wire (enough to fit large frame) 
  • Velcro Tape & Command Strips


1. Paint frames and letters. I used Black Gloss for the large frame/letters and White Chalk paint for the smaller frame. Slightly distress using sanding blocks.

2. Cut paper to fit frames and use adhesive spray to attach to inside of each.

3. Cut chicken wire to fit inside large frame and staple chicken wire to top of large print (you may have to trim a little to make sure it fits inside the frame). I also placed one staple in the middle to make sure it lays flat.

 4. Glue letters inside small frame.

5. Use Velcro Tape to attach small frame to chicken wire/large frame.


6. Use Velcro Command Strips to attach to door/wall. They're removable without damage. (You can also use small tacks to affix it to the frame from behind)