
Why You Need to Retreat from your World

Think about a place or time in your life where you got to get away from it all?
A time where you could think.
A time where you could breathe.

Was it the beach?
Was it the mountains?
Was it your own back yard? 
Or just having the house to yourself?

In a Mel Robbins podcast I recently listed to, they used a phrase that struck me.

"We need to think of rest as a right, not a reward."

Throughout our life, we're taught, once you get your work done (homework, chores, cleaning, errands, whatever...), then you can take a break. 
What happens, more often than not, is we NEVER get our work done.
There's ALWAYS something that needs to be done.

What if we switched our mindset and scheduled in the relaxing time, the quiet time, the fun time, the I don't want to think about anything time?
Giving yourself actual space and time to recharge.

Give yourself a Place to Retreat;
where the World Grows Quiet enough for your Soul to Speak.
