
Fabric Covered Bulletin Board

I love to pin things on a bulletin board. Probably why I seriously love the virtual bulletin boards of Pinterest. Check out my Pinterest Boards here. I wanted to add some bulletin boards to my Art/Craft Studio to pin up inspirational pieces or quotes. I didn't want a very big board - just something to tuck underneath my shelves.

Cork Board(s)
I used two Quartet Bulletin Boards 5.5 x 14 - found them on Amazon
Staple Gun
Velcro Command Hooks

Cut out your fabric a few inches larger than the board.

Line up the print (if needed). Staple the sides first and finish off the ends like you're folding the corners when you wrap a present. Trim any excess fabric.

Place your Velcro Command Hook on the back of the board. Because I was putting it directly on the fabric, I used my staple gun to secure it a bit more.  
What's nice with these is you can just pull the Velcro pieces apart and
adjust them to make sure everything hangs straight.

Home is Where Your Heart Is

I've discovered this to be so true when I moved last year. After living away from family for many, many years, I made the decision to move from a very big city (3 million+) to a sweet little town of 5000. As my folks grew older, I missed being near them. Even though we talked all the time, I wanted to be "in their lives" and have them be "in my life," not just for the big stuff, but for the everyday stuff.

My dad was facing greater health challenges and this big decision allowed me to be with him pretty much every day for the last six months of his life. 

My parents have always been the best cheerleaders in my life - always encouraging, always positive, always enthusiastic. I can only hope to be more like them - this blog is one way to share the joy they encourage me to see each day.

I created this sign from wood and paint and scrapbook paper. I even used the chop saw my dad taught me how to operate.

I hung this sign in my garage so I can see it each day when I leave my house and each day when I return. It's terrific reminder to look for the love and joy in each day.

Hope you find lots of love and joy today!

Create Your Own Customized Button Lampshade

I love me some buttons. I've got lots and lots and lots of them
(Can you have too many? I think not)
. I decided to spruce up a rather plain looking
lampshade with a few (more like 600) buttons.


For this project I wanted a variety of cream colored buttons in different sizes.
Headed over to Etsy and found just what I needed. 

Out came the glue gun. I have a love/hate relationship with my glue gun. Sometimes it is so sweet and helpful, and sometimes, when I'm not paying attention, it just burns the you know what out of me. You could also use tacky glue - you'll just have to hold the buttons in place for a little bit while they dry.

Learned (the hard way) it's easier to glue the shade and add the buttons to the
shade instead of putting the glue on the buttons directly. I put a row around the
bottom of the lamp and worked my way up staggering the sizes.

 As a final touch I tied a translucent ivory ribbon around it.
It weighs quite a bit so make sure to have a sturdy shade.

Have fun creating!