Organize it Quick - 5 Steps

 Get your Mess Together & Throw Away Some of it
 Find a Box
 Paint Box
 Label Box
Put Stuff in Box

Start with a big old mess. 
Put it in a pile and discard anything that's old, not needed, outdated, etc. 
I wanted to organize my First Aid stuff and Medicines.

Find a box (the uglier the better - haha) that will hold your stuff. I had these from a thrift shop.
Pare down your stuff before finding the right box size.

Paint the box (a few coats of spray paint).

Label the box.
Design a fun label at and print it out on Full Sheet Labels

Cut out the shape.

Put stuff in box.

Two cute organized boxes + more room in the drawer.

Happy Organizing!
Love, Steph

BEE Art...................Bee Happy

Bee Happy, Kind, Strong and True


Hope you'll BEE Happy this week!!! 
Love, Steph

Prints available in my online Etsy Shop