The fun thing about moving into a new place is starting fresh. It also means a crazy, insane, never ending, 'challenging' to-do list. One project I tackled was what to do with all those pieces of paper that you don't need to deal with each week, but you need to know where they are (and in some sort of order). Things like warranties and tax stuff, important documents, even bulk office supplies. I wanted to be able to find stuff quickly, but not have it take up valuable real estate in my file cabinet.
Had leftover file boxes from the move (got them at Costco).
Adhesive Fabric Paper from Amazon. It was so easy to cut and then just peel and stick. The paper wasn't quite as big as the box so I covered the edges of the box with white paper (or you could paint the box white) before sticking on the fabric paper.
The lid looked a little bare so I cut a coordinating strip to accent it.
Wanted to create some custom size labels and found these 8 1/2 x 11 Full-Sheet Labels
that you can cut any way you want. They cover really well and I just ran them through my printer.