My dad ordered a book and we received it a week after he passed away. It was called Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-being
I read this book and it was so powerful. Part practical wisdom, part self-help with a lot of scientific studies to back it up. It was slow going for me (felt like I was back in college studying), but I was able to pull out many helpful gems that both reinforced my focus on a joy-filled life and opened my eyes to several new things.
One of the most interesting things I learned was... how we respond in conversations can strengthen or weaken our relationships.
How to deepen a relationship with one Conversation Technique.
When people we care about tell us about a victory, triumph or good thing that happened to them, how we respond can build the relationship or undermine it.
- Active/Constructive Acknowledge, be excited for them, celebrate with them. Ask questions so they relive the moment with you.
Non-verbal: Smiling, Enthusiasm. - Passive/Constructive Passively say, 'that's nice'. No further interaction or conversation.
Non-verbal: Little to no active emotional expression. - Active/Destructive Critical, negative words, pessimistic, find the fault or potential downside in the victory.
Non-verbal: Display negative emotions, frowning. - Passive/Destructive No acknowledgement of the success/victory, change subject.
Non-verbal: no eye contact, leave room, etc.
I've been trying it. Such a great difference.
Have a Joy-filled week! Love, Steph