DIY Custom & Personalized Journals

I love blank notebooks and journals and have all sorts of them. I use them to sketch out art ideas, to track what I plant in the garden, to organize items for my house, class notes, favorite quotes, etc. However, they can get a bit pricey so I decided to create my own.


Composition Notebooks
 Back-to-school time typically has the best price so I stocked up.

I used 4 sheets of coordinating paper (2 of one pattern and 2 of another). Depending upon the size of your book, you can use 12x12 or 8 1/2 x 11 scrapbook paper or decorative wrapping paper. For best results use a heavier paper.

Glue & Paint Brush or Foam Brush (1 inch)
You can use rubber cement, Mod Podge or tacky glue. I found the easiest to use was Mod Podge.
Just put it on thinly so it doesn't buckle the paper. If it does, just wait till it dries to continue - it usually flattens itself out then.


1. Measure Your Notebook

Height and Width of front cover.

2. Cut Your Paper

Outside Pieces - add 2-3 inches to your width and height and cut two (2) pieces.

Inside Pieces - for the inside of each cover. Subtract 1 inch from your width and height and cut two (2) pieces.

Spine - Cut one piece 3 inches wide and the height of the notebook.

My measurements were: Outside 9x11, Inside 9x7, Spine 3x9 3/4

3. Outside Cover

Using Mod Podge and paintbrush, glue paper to front cover. Align one side of the paper to the edge of the spine and smooth out (make sure to have overlap on the three remaining sides - you will fold these over). Repeat for back cover.

4. Inside Edge

Turn over book, fold in the edges of paper on the top and bottom. Glue down. Then fold over the paper on the sides of the book and glue down. (This will create a square edge)

5. Inside Covers

Align your inside piece so it covers the edges of folded over paper on the inside cover. Glue and smooth. Repeat.

6. Spine

Center the piece to cover the spine of the book. Glue down and then close up the book smoothing down the paper on the spine. (don't let the spine dry when the book is opened flat as you need a little wiggle room to close the book)

Hint: To help the paper lay flat as it's drying, you can place something heavy (I used a covered brick) to weigh it down and keep it flat.

Optional - you can gently brush Mod Podge over all the sides and edges for some additional strength. Do it in sections and let it dry thoroughly in between.

7. Decorate

This is where you can have fun and be all sorts of creative! You can leave them plain or decorate them with layered paper, ribbon, buttons, flowers or other embellishments. You can also add a label or your favorite verse.

Happy Creativity!
Love, Steph

DIY Tissue Box Covers - make functional cute, not boring!

Customize your home decor with a little DIY and make your own Tissue Box Covers.  There are all sorts of options to choose from - wood, paper, material... I'll show you how I made one with scrapbook paper and I've included several other creative ideas to help inspire you.

 I chose some metallic scrapbook paper to make a cover to match my powder room colors and used an old clear tissue box cover as the base. You can find inexpensive ones at thrift or dollar stores.

 Measured and cut out the sides and the top.

Four individual sides. One top (with the opening traced) and a bunch of decorative circles.

 Used Mod Podge to glue down the sides first. While that was drying, got started on the top.

For the top I carefully cut out the middle of the opening leaving enough to cut and fold back individual tabs to cover the entire inner edge and Mod Podged them down. You can use clothespins to hold the tabs down while it dries. Note: If you want to just trace and cut out the circle opening, make sure to use a little extra Mod Podge so it doesn't lift up when you pull out a tissue.

Mod Podged the circles onto the sides.
You can also decorate with labels, flowers, accents, embellishments, etc.


Book Pages and a Chalkboard Sign via Make the Best of Things

Wooden Mod Box Cover via Crafty Nest

 Sew a Decorative Cover via Make it and Love it

 Lego Box Cover for the little ones via Dream a Little Bigger

Tutorial for Cardstock or thin Cardboard for ultimate customization via Split Coast Stampers

Happy Creating this week!
Love, Steph

DIY for the Office - Transform Magazine Holders into Recycle & Shred Boxes

I love to recycle, but I don't necessary love the blue plastic bins for recycling.  NOT. CUTE.

I made a cheery recycling box for under my kitchen sink here and that made me realize I needed to create something for my office. Throwing paper into piles on the floor wasn't really working very well any more.

I spend quite a bit of time at my office desk and typically have a ginormous pile of paper that needs my attention. I wanted a quick (and stylish) way to sort papers. A place to put papers to recycle and a place to put items to shred. At my fingertips. 

Two wooden magazine holders (got mine at Ikea)
Spray Paint
Scrapbook or Decorative Paper
Bookplates or something to hold labels
Mod Podge

Primed and Sprayed wood magazine holders.

Cut paper to fit the front of each of the holders and Mod Podged it. (used a few coats)

Printed up labels onto scrapbook paper.

Attached Bookplates.
These were adhesive but you could also use screw on label holders, etc.

 Let the recycling and shredding begin.

What a great feeling to get RID OF PAPER.

Happy Organizing!

Love, Steph