The Brighter Your Rainbows
Fun & Festive Christmas Wreaths (that you can make yourself)
Grow Through what you Go Through
Do you sometimes get paralyzed with the thought of making a mistake?
Why did I do this?
Why is this happening?
I never do anything right!
Let yourself off the hook and change your way of thinking. Instead of beating yourself up, look for ways you can learn, grow, and improve as you move forward.
Fail Forward - acceptance of failure as a stepping stone to future success.
You choose to respect each failure for the lessons it teaches you,
and to apply those lessons to future efforts. John Maxwell
There is no innovation and creativity without failure. Brene Brown
I have not failed. I have found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison
Why You Need to Retreat from your World
Think about a place or time in your life where you got to get away from it all?
A time where you could think.
A time where you could breathe.
Was it the beach?
Was it the mountains?
Was it your own back yard?
Or just having the house to yourself?
In a Mel Robbins podcast I recently listed to, they used a phrase that struck me.
"We need to think of rest as a right, not a reward."
Throughout our life, we're taught, once you get your work done (homework, chores, cleaning, errands, whatever...), then you can take a break.
What happens, more often than not, is we NEVER get our work done.
There's ALWAYS something that needs to be done.
What if we switched our mindset and scheduled in the relaxing time, the quiet time, the fun time, the I don't want to think about anything time?
Giving yourself actual space and time to recharge.
Give yourself a Place to Retreat;
where the World Grows Quiet enough for your Soul to Speak.
Put a Little Sunshine in your life with Sunflowers
Marie Williams Johnstone
Back to School Favorites
Kick off the school year on a bright note with classroom decor, learning tools, fun school supplies, gifts for teachers, and creative ways to celebrate new memories.
Garden Favorites
Make your outside world beautiful and functional with unique
Garden Favorites from small businesses in the United States.
See more here.
For the Amazing You!!!
For anyone who focuses too much on the things they do wrong.
Show a little love to yourself or a friend.
Celebrate the Special Dad in your Life
Celebrate the special dad in your life with unique gifts from small businesses.
#fathersday #giftsfordad #funnydad #happyfathersday #shopsmall #handmade #bestdadever
Let's Get Organized: Medicine Jars
Why is it when you're the sickest do they make medicine so hard to get into?
How am I supposed to rip open packaged pills (seemingly encased in concrete)
with just the strength of my hands?
Plus those bottles and packages are just plain UGLY.
I had some extra spice jars and decided to use them for my most common meds.
Printed up some cute labels on scrapbook paper, punched out the circles
and glued them to the lids.
Obviously if you have kiddos in the house, keep them in a safe place.
Celebrate July 4th - Patriotic Ideas to Shop, Bake or Make
It's Not the End
We tend to look at life from a very narrow perspective - seeing only what's right in front of us.
Wondering if a problem will ever end.
Will I get through this?
Pain. Grief. Sadness. Loss. Stress.
Not being able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
It helps to remember that problems are temporary and that everything will ultimately work out.
But often it's not the timing we hope for.
Everything will be alright in the end. If it's not alright, it is not the end.
It's not the end. You got this.
Having the Strength to Let Go
I have a friend who's been struggling the last several years - caught up in the past and having a hard time overcoming all the negative voices and tapes in her head. Feeling she needs to hold onto things, but knowing it's not the healthiest.
It's been wonderful to see her start to break free from the past - I knew she had
taken some very large steps towards freedom and happiness
when she shared this quote with me....
Give yourself permission to Let Go.